Mar 26Liked by Heidi Fiedler

I like this quote: Because I share my stories, the self-expression that exists in my writing has purpose beyond my own joy, comfort, and healing. In sharing it, I am extending that joy, comfort, and healing to my community.

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Love this! “I think back on this naïve attempt at my vocal artist career with fondness. I’m quite happy I so brilliantly failed at it.”

And how experience in performance arts feeds your confidence in the writing world—how all of these creative facets work together. Really enjoyed learning more about Susan’s background.

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Loved this bit on submissions so much:

“I purposely have multiple pieces out on submission at all times so that I cannot dwell, so I can always be looking ahead to the next opportunity. And when we get an acceptance, we get that hard-won celebration.”

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I can relate so much to this quote: 'Now I treat my writing sessions for my books, short stories, and poems with the professionalism that I treat my paid work.' Since becoming a mum (especially the second time around), I've mastered squeezing every drop of efficiency into the time I have for writing, even if it lasts only 10–15 minutes!

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