This was really lovely to read. That image of trees reaching to support us is something to remember!

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Yes! I just got the cantigee oracle deck and it’s all about how connected we are with nature, even if we forget.

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“For me, being creative is less about something to do and more about a way to ‘be.’ So I don’t burn out with it, it is the opposite. It keeps me from burning out.”

Loved this! I’ve been working through The Artist’s Way and it made me think of Julia Cameron describing morning pages as “resting on the page”.

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Ooh that’s so good! And yes I love bringing that mindset to it. We think it’s going to be draining but it can actually be life giving!

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“Humans have made things since the beginning of time. It is how we stay human. And I have learned especially through grief and challenge that when I cannot make sense of the world or my life, I need to put my hands on something to make a connection with the earth or myself. Creating is the way I stay alive to what life has given me.”

Yes. Yes. ❤️

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