When I first started writing, I took what I learned at school and work and tried to apply it to writing. I set goals. I tracked my word counts. I chose projects that filled a hole in the market. I got an agent. I did what he told me. I generally treated writing like a job and diligently tried to boss myself around.
Just typing that is stressing me out a bit!
The truth is I didn’t like writing. It was a grind. I barely knew if I liked my work or not (or if that even mattered). I thought a lot about quitting. Especially when my next agent turned out to be a fraud and my son needed surgery. It felt like the universe was holding up a giant sign that said, “Give up now!”
But every time I took a break from writing, I missed it. I kept having ideas. I kept taking notes. I kept wanting to make something. And when I became a mom, I felt even more inspired. I desperately wanted something that was all mine. I wanted to keep going. I wanted to be a writer who loved writing.
So I stopped trying to prove myself and started studying my creative process. I noticed what parts felt dreamy and what made the hard parts a little easier. I let my intuition guide me. I started to enjoy the process, and it made me want to write more. I didn’t have much time or energy, but I was getting more done, and the work I was doing was free and light. It was full of imagination and wonder. It felt like me!
I started seeing myself an artist. I got to know my aesthetic preferences and found my voice again. I took my own ideas seriously.
Fast forward to 2024, and I’m still using this method to write essays and books. I’m proud of the work I’ve done, and I am grateful writing has become a sanctuary for me. I truly love writing. I’ve found a way to be productive under difficult circumstances, and I feel more creative than ever.
I’ll walk you through the exact process I used to grow as a writer in Before You Begin. The workbook includes lessons and journal prompts that will help you appreciate your own writing process and feel more creative. It’s a lovely way to energize your writing process and kickstart your next writing project.
The practices in Before You Begin have brought me comfort when I was stuck or feeling unsure, and I hope they’ll do the same for you. Before You Begin will help you breathe life into your writing, whether you’re working on a novel, a memoir, a picture book, or a collection of poetry. And if you just feel called to write, but you have no idea what you’re doing, Before You Begin is especially good at helping you figure out what kind of book you’re trying to write.
If you want more personal guidance, you can book a bundle and get 50% off an hour of creative coaching (until 1/31/25).
Nebula Notebook is a place to meet kindred spirits, get inspired, and learn how to find ease and joy in the creative process—even when life is bananas. 🍌🍌🍌
✏️ PS—The fastest way to grow as a writer is to book a manuscript critique or a creative coaching session with an expert. My clients get agents, sell books, and win awards. They also learn how to enjoy the creative process, so they can keep going when life gets hard. 👏